mor bellegarde

void hunter, dream witch

crystal --> mateus
est timezone

                  ...until lambs become lions

   name:   morghain "mor" bellegarde
   age:   205
   race:   veena viera // nightkin
   gender:   transmasc nonbinary
   pronouns:   he/they
   orientation:   bisexual
   occupation:   oneiromancer, courtesan
   mbti:   istj-a
   speech pattern:   soft spoken, faint skatay accent

Beside the entry for "Melancholy" in the Encyclopedia Eorzea, you will find a picture of Mor. As a purveyor of morose expressions and a perpetual aura of gloom, Mor is, tragically, a sad little guy.An oneiromancer by trade, Mor make a living offering divination services in the form of dream readings. Mor is no stranger to prophetic visions, and scrying meaning from nightmares is his specialty (especially in the case of curses or hauntings).Beyond his omens and augury, Mor harbors a deep hatred for voidsent and anything of the 13th. He is an adept voidsent hunter, and well-respected within the Shroud for his work in slaying them. Driven by a determination a unrelenting as it is furious, Mor's desire to hunt is often likened to that of a hound on a hare.

Mor is a Veena Viera, just past his 200th nameday. He stands at about 6’6, built with lithe muscle. Mor’s hair is silvery and long, fading into a near-white at the ends. He tends to keep it down, though occasionally likes tall tails with braids or adornments when he has the time.

Mor has striking hawk-yellow eyes with odd, slitted pupils and a pair of long, half-lopped ears that often get in the way of his sight.

In his many years, Mor has collected many scars. Most notably: pierce wounds through his left thigh and right palm, as well as claw scars on his right hip and ribcage. Some are very old, others much newer. He bears them all proudly.

  __________     AT A GLANCE:   

  aliases:  Llor Isaftjr, Aster Allaire, The Chalice, Starlight
  nameday:  12/1
  patron:  Menphina (non-practicing)
  notable   features:  Silver hair, half-lopped ears, slit pupils, scar over left eye
  height:  6'6"
  build:  Tall, lean muscle, endurance runner
  alignment:  Lawful neutral
  birthplace:  Skatay Range
  residence:  Gridania, South Shroud
  marital status:Complicated: married (separated) -- promised
  relationship   types:  Polyamorous
  voice claim:  Jennifer English (As Shadowheart)
  theme song:  Take me to war - the crane wives

  __________    AETHER CAPABILITIES:   

____ .1   Aether Alignment:   Astral + Ice____ .1   Aether Characteristics:   Shattered, weak, volatile, void-touched____ .3   Aether Abilities:  - Physical Enhancement
- Dream Walking
- Binding Chains
- Wards and Protection Rituals
- Healing
____ .2   Note on Using Aether:  - Mor uses aether only as a last resort, and rarely beyond healing himself. His aether is a glass canon, powerful in bursts but immensely damaging.- Blood vessels burst, leaving him with a bloody nose, shot eyes, and easy bruising.

  __________     PERSONALITY:   

Beneath all his gloom, Mor’s built a solid fortress around the softer parts of his soul. Quick to anger and quicker to insult, Mor is difficult to get to know and not without reason. A personality honed like the fine edge of a blade leaves little room for closeness, and in hostility he tends to find a comfortable security.It’s not easy to break through the careful exterior Mor’s built. Past the bite of his temper and penchant for reclusiveness, Mor is, truly, a romantic at heart; a lover of song and story, with an insatiable curiosity that often leads him to trouble. His favorite words are “Why?” And “How?”.Mor is quiet, but not shy. Despite his dreary disposition, he prefers the company of others over solitude, even if he’s about as graceful as a stone in social situations. He is an observer, often noticing little details that others wouldn't.Mor has a strong sense of personal integrity and his morals are his guiding compass in all things. He rejects change, finding it difficult to adjust to new things. Mor is exceptionally sentimental. He keeps things he deems important, and often likes to reminisce on old memories.

StatisticLevel /5

  __________     COMBAT ABILITIES:   

____ .3   Canon Class:   Lancer, Bard (Formerly)____ .1   Weapon of Choice:     Polearms (Halberds, spears, pikes), Knives____ .2   Favored Enemy:  Voidsent, Reapers, Black Mages, Nightkin

and all the world will be your enemy,                 prince with a thousand enemies.

Nestled in the spine of two towering Skatay mountains lies the remains of one tiny, insignificant village. The extreme elements have devoured the once proud walls and homes and life, and the Veena who once lived there have long since left it behind. Their dwindling numbers were no match for the remote and unforgiving cliffside.Those Veena of the Spine found prosperity elsewhere, in the cultivation of their culture. They took to traveling across the Range, hopping from village to village as they collected (and in turn, shared) the oral traditions, legends, and songs of the Skatay Viera; a family of wandering bards, the organic library of their people’s history and culture. They called themselves the Silverstrings, paying homage to their matriarch’s iconic harp strings, supposedly spun from pure silver.Mor (Born Llor Isaftjr), was the last kit born to the Silverstrings family, a final stop to a waning lineage. He was raised in a small but tight-knit family unit consisting of his two fathers, three grandparents, and a handful of aunts and uncles. He was born with the gift of a boundless wellspring of natural aether. Magic was the greatest thing in the world to Mor, and not a day went by that he didn't use it.The young Mor was blessed (or cursed, depending on who you ask) with a penchant for omen-reading and divination. He often had fits of nightmares or vivid dreams that would become a source of prophecy for his family. Glimpses of the future, or possibilities of it, haunted him from the moment he could grasp the concept.Despite his visions, Mor grew up well. He loved music and storytelling, and spent his time traveling the Range with his family, collecting and sharing the culture of his people. His early life was filled with light and love and stories.That is, until he met Lorcan van Sant.

What, exactly, happened in the next five decades is a secret Mor refuses to speak about. Dark were the days Mor spent in the clutches of the Nightkin, Lorcan, and his blood-mad cult, The Chalice. Five decades of his life spent without the kiss of the sun.Mor's time in the Chalice shaped who he is now, left him with irreparable scars (both physical and mental). Mor's shattered aether, his hatred for voidsent, and his unrelenting thirst for retribution were founded in the dark of the cult's Moon Crypt.Mor's freedom from the Chalice was bought in the chaos that came from the fall of Dalamud. He's been on his own for only a few short years, and he's filled almost every moment of them by honing his craft and tracking voidsent across Eorzea.

there is a defiance in being              a dreamer.

✦   Oneiromancer:Oneiromancy, or the divination in dreams, is Mor's first love. Often called the Shroud's own "Dream Witch", Mor's reputation as a skilled reader of dreams is renowned. Perhaps you wish to peer into your future, or find an answer to a burning question? Mor will gladly guide you through the veil of sleep and find what omens lurk within.

✦   Starchaser:Mor doesn't consider himself as "having hobbies", however he does have a deep love for the celestial. In his downtime, Mor keeps star charts, often using their movements as omens or fortune. He lingers in dark-sky locations and keeps his notes on him. If asked, he may read the stars for you.

✦   Mythweaver,  Silverstrung:Mor was the last kit of a dying veena tribe in the Skatay Range. His people, rather than take shelter in any one village or corner of the mountains, instead took it upon themselves to wander the Range, traveling from village to village sharing and collecting in stories, myths, and traditions of their people. Veena of Skatay heritage may remember Mor and his family stopping by their village, sharing songs and legends of viera all across the range.

✦   Of The Shroud:While Mor is originally from the a Viera tribe in the Skatay Range, he spent much of his long life in and out of the Black Shroud, and considers it his home. He is partial to performances at Mih Khetto's or of traveling bards. Those from the Shroud may have crossed his path.

✦   Shadow Walk With Me:Mor is a hunter of all things void-touched. His hatred for voidsent and his talent for destroying them is well-known to those within mercenary circles, especially near the Shroud. He will take on just about any job, given the right price.

✦   Ars Moriendi:Mor has a...complicated relationship with reapers, voidsent, and adjacent. He has a deep fascination with the void. Reapers, black mages, and similar are an object of Mor's interest and, while he may treat them with disdain, will never fail to get his attention. Perhaps you can teach Mor something new?

and i'd bleed for anything if it held me              the right way.

key: [♡] - Lovers |   [☼] - Friends |   [☁] - Enemies |   [▣] - Business |   [⚠] - Complicated |

  { vibhrama de shavrisan }  

♡   ☁

Ah, Mor's beloved enemy and main quarry. He doesn't understand why he's drawn to Vibhrama like moth to a flame, but the bond between them is irrefutable. There's a deeper connection between them that has prevented Mor from his hunt, and keeps him in the nightkin's orbit whether he likes it or not. The pair walk a fine line between hatred and passion, desire and loathing...and Mor can't help but wonder if the feelings he has for Vibhrama are his own, or wrought by forces outside of his control.

  { temujin ugund }  

Oh, how strange fate can be. Bound together by threads unseverable, can these two find a way to free themselves? Or do they lean into the inevitability of fate and restart the cycle? Mor carries much fondness for Temujin, but finds his own feeling complicated. Are they true? Or another lie?

  { dmitry voronin }  

☁   ⚠

Dmitry came to Mor looking for answers to a difficult problem through oneiromancy. Upon digging deeper into Dmitry's strange nightmares, Mor found something dark lurking beneath. The two have settled into an uneasy truce as they work together to free Dmitry of this strange entity. Even as Dmitry's darkness bleeds into Mor's own dreams, he can't help but be drawn to the mysterious Xaela and the presence that lingers in his shadow.

  { laela silje }  

☼   ▣

Mor's good friend and confidante. Laela is one of the few people Mor feels comfortable enough to be himself around. She brings out the better parts of him, and her radiance inspires Mor to be better. He has his suspicions about the mauve rabbit and her strange dreams, but he's yet to act on them.

Hi! I'm Mor's writer, Alix (They/He). I'm 25 and based out of the EST time zone.

I am an rp enthusiast and love writing both in game and out of game. I have been roleplaying for about 8 years on various platforms, and I've been playing FFXIV since 2021. I am always down for connections/rp or friends, so if you see me around, please feel free to shoot a /tell!

IC does not equal OOC. I am not my character and my beliefs, opinions, and thoughts are not one and the same with my characters. IC relationships are strictly IC. Please respect that <3

21+ only
All RP welcome, but please ask before initiating heavy or NSFW content.
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